Father of sextuplets does not regret making plea
It took months of convincing to share his story
- By Dina El Shammaa, Abu Dhabi Deputy Editor
- Published: 00:00 January 3, 2011
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- December 29 came in as a ray of hope for the family, when Gulf News reported a story on the UAE’s first sextuplets, a story that caught public attention and resulted in offers coming in to help the couple.
- Image Credit: Ahmed Kutty/Gulf News
Abu Dhabi: It took months of convincing Syed Mohammad, father of the sextuplets, to speak with Gulf News about his family's situation; and now that he has shared his story with the public, he has no regrets.
After 12 years of not being able to get pregnant, an Egyptian mother, Soraya Foully, wished for one child, and got six.
The couple's excitement however was short-lived when they realised that they needed a minimum of Dh11,000 a month and a roof over their heads.
December 29, however, brought a ray of hope for the family, when Gulf News reported a story on the UAE's first sextuplets, a story that caught public attention and resulted in offers coming in to help the couple.
"At first I was completely against publishing an article, and it took months of convincing by people around me.
"But when I calculated how much it would cost to accommodate our six children, and how talking about my situation may help us, I agreed, and I'm glad I did," said Mohammad.
Being un-educated, Mohammad admitted to Gulf News that he does not expect to land a high-income job, and that without donations or a helpful hand, he would never have been able to afford taking care of his sextuplets.
Work as a driver
"I don't have many qualifications, and will probably work as a driver or in a similar job for the rest of my life. So the donations and helpful offers that came in after the article were timely.
"The hospital and I received nine calls first thing in the morning, when the first article was published. That's when I knew that God is great, and that I was right to speak with Gulf News."
The family has so far been promised free health insurance coverage for each of the sextuplets by the National Health Insurance Company (Daman), a yearly supply of milk from Bebelac Baby Food; 1,500 diapers, and a two-way ticket from JGC Tecnimont for Soraya's mother and sister, who will be arriving from Egypt to help her with the babies.
The biggest excitement to the family was when they were told that Shaikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, will provide free accommodation, medical assistance and financial support for their sextuplets.
"I never expected this day to come and can't find words to express how I felt when I heard the news. We still however, have issues that we're worried about, such as my wife and children's visas; clothes for the children, water, and diapers. I appreciate the 1,500 diapers we received, but that will only last 31 days. I have hope that God willing, things will work out in due time," said Mohammad.
According to Soraya, various authorities visited her in the hospital, including the UAE Red Crescent Authourity (RCA), who proposed to help the family in the long-run.
"I appreciate all the phone calls, and offers to help, but so far we can barely get by with Dh3,000 — which is the full amount donated to our bank account. It feels great to finally find a home of our own, after the generous offer we received by Ajman's Crown Prince," said Soraya.
"The thought of having my own bathroom and bedroom without having to share, just like normal people, makes me feel alive again," said Soraya.
After 12 years of not being able to get pregnant, an Egyptian mother, Soraya Foully, wished for one child, and got six.
The couple's excitement however was short-lived when they realised that they needed a minimum of Dh11,000 a month and a roof over their heads.
December 29, however, brought a ray of hope for the family, when Gulf News reported a story on the UAE's first sextuplets, a story that caught public attention and resulted in offers coming in to help the couple.
"At first I was completely against publishing an article, and it took months of convincing by people around me.
"But when I calculated how much it would cost to accommodate our six children, and how talking about my situation may help us, I agreed, and I'm glad I did," said Mohammad.
Being un-educated, Mohammad admitted to Gulf News that he does not expect to land a high-income job, and that without donations or a helpful hand, he would never have been able to afford taking care of his sextuplets.
Work as a driver
"I don't have many qualifications, and will probably work as a driver or in a similar job for the rest of my life. So the donations and helpful offers that came in after the article were timely.
"The hospital and I received nine calls first thing in the morning, when the first article was published. That's when I knew that God is great, and that I was right to speak with Gulf News."
The family has so far been promised free health insurance coverage for each of the sextuplets by the National Health Insurance Company (Daman), a yearly supply of milk from Bebelac Baby Food; 1,500 diapers, and a two-way ticket from JGC Tecnimont for Soraya's mother and sister, who will be arriving from Egypt to help her with the babies.
The biggest excitement to the family was when they were told that Shaikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, will provide free accommodation, medical assistance and financial support for their sextuplets.
"I never expected this day to come and can't find words to express how I felt when I heard the news. We still however, have issues that we're worried about, such as my wife and children's visas; clothes for the children, water, and diapers. I appreciate the 1,500 diapers we received, but that will only last 31 days. I have hope that God willing, things will work out in due time," said Mohammad.
According to Soraya, various authorities visited her in the hospital, including the UAE Red Crescent Authourity (RCA), who proposed to help the family in the long-run.
"I appreciate all the phone calls, and offers to help, but so far we can barely get by with Dh3,000 — which is the full amount donated to our bank account. It feels great to finally find a home of our own, after the generous offer we received by Ajman's Crown Prince," said Soraya.
"The thought of having my own bathroom and bedroom without having to share, just like normal people, makes me feel alive again," said Soraya.
அபுதாபி,டிச.30: 12 வருட காத்திருப்பிற்கு இறைவன் சுரய்யா ஃபவ்லிக்கு 6 குழந்தைகளை அளித்துள்ளான். இதனால் மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்த எகிப்திய தம்பதியினர் செலவுகளை நினைத்து வருத்தத்தில் ஆழ்ந்துள்ளனர். அபுதாபியில் 2000 திர்ஹம் சம்பளத்தில் டிரைவராக பணிபுரிந்து வருகிறார் சுரய்யாவின் கணவர் ஸாயித் முஹம்மது. குழந்தைகள் இல்லாததன் காரணத்தினால் பல ஆண்டுகளாக சிகிட்சைப் பெற்றுவந்தனர் இருவரும்.
சிகிட்சைக்கான செலவு இவர்களுக்கு ஒரு பிரச்சனையாக இருக்கவில்லை. குழந்தை இல்லாத ஏக்கத்தில் வாழ்ந்த இவர்களுக்கு இறைவனின் கருணையினால் 6 குழந்தைகள் என டாக்டர்கள் அறிவித்தவுடன் மகிழ்ச்சியில் திளைத்தவர்கள் செலவுகளை நினைத்து வருந்துகின்றனர்.
3 ஆண் குழந்தைகளும், 3 பெண் குழந்தைகளும் மாதம் முழுமை அடையுமுன்பே பிறந்துள்ளதால் அவர்களுக்கு உடல்நல பிரச்சனைகள் உள்ளன.
2000 திர்ஹம் சம்பளத்தில் 1500 திர்ஹம் அபுதாபி ஏர்போர்ட் சாலையில் அமைந்துள்ள சிறிய வீட்டு வாடகையாக ஸாயித் முஹம்மது செலுத்துகிறார். மீதமுள்ள 500 திர்ஹத்தில் குடும்பத்தை சிரமத்தில் ஓட்டவேண்டும் அவருக்கு. குழந்தைகளின் ஹெல்த் இன்ஸூரன்சுக்கு கூட தன்னிடம் பணமில்லை என கவலைக்கொள்கிறார் ஸாயித்.
கடந்த அக்டோபர் 12 ஆம் தேதி குழந்தைகள் பிறந்த பொழுதும் இதுவரை மருத்துவமனையை விட்டு செல்லவில்லை அவர்கள். கார்னிச் மருத்துவமனையில் சில நாட்கள் அவசர சிகிட்சை வார்டில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தனர் குழந்தைகள். ஒரு பெண் குழந்தைக்கு அடி வயிற்றில் அறுவை சிகிட்சைக்காக வேறொரு மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதித்துள்ளனர்.
சிகிட்சைக்கான செலவு இவர்களுக்கு ஒரு பிரச்சனையாக இருக்கவில்லை. குழந்தை இல்லாத ஏக்கத்தில் வாழ்ந்த இவர்களுக்கு இறைவனின் கருணையினால் 6 குழந்தைகள் என டாக்டர்கள் அறிவித்தவுடன் மகிழ்ச்சியில் திளைத்தவர்கள் செலவுகளை நினைத்து வருந்துகின்றனர்.
3 ஆண் குழந்தைகளும், 3 பெண் குழந்தைகளும் மாதம் முழுமை அடையுமுன்பே பிறந்துள்ளதால் அவர்களுக்கு உடல்நல பிரச்சனைகள் உள்ளன.
2000 திர்ஹம் சம்பளத்தில் 1500 திர்ஹம் அபுதாபி ஏர்போர்ட் சாலையில் அமைந்துள்ள சிறிய வீட்டு வாடகையாக ஸாயித் முஹம்மது செலுத்துகிறார். மீதமுள்ள 500 திர்ஹத்தில் குடும்பத்தை சிரமத்தில் ஓட்டவேண்டும் அவருக்கு. குழந்தைகளின் ஹெல்த் இன்ஸூரன்சுக்கு கூட தன்னிடம் பணமில்லை என கவலைக்கொள்கிறார் ஸாயித்.
கடந்த அக்டோபர் 12 ஆம் தேதி குழந்தைகள் பிறந்த பொழுதும் இதுவரை மருத்துவமனையை விட்டு செல்லவில்லை அவர்கள். கார்னிச் மருத்துவமனையில் சில நாட்கள் அவசர சிகிட்சை வார்டில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தனர் குழந்தைகள். ஒரு பெண் குழந்தைக்கு அடி வயிற்றில் அறுவை சிகிட்சைக்காக வேறொரு மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதித்துள்ளனர்.
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